What is so different about Abiding Love Community Church?

We ‘re glad that you have stopped by to learn what we’re all about. We hope you see our passion for Jesus and His gospel. He is the only reason that we do what we do — preaching, children’s ministry, outreach, and worshiping. If you were to ask us to describe ourselves in one sentence, we would say, “We’re a gospel-centered, love-focused, church community.” These three elements create the DNA for us to live all of life for the glory of Jesus.
As a gospel-centered church, you will notice that we believe the gospel is so much more than a starting point for people. The gospel is all of life, and it shapes the very way in which we live life together with our family, friends, city, and the rest of the world. We want to view and live all of life through gospel, which is the truth for all of us.
LOVE-LOVE-LOVE…..ALCC is love-focused because the gospel reveals that is the demonstration of Jesus Christ. Regardless of where you came from, what you’ve been through, or what you look like, ALCC looks through eyes of love and will welcome you, just as you are. The gospel states that we are to love one another, just as Jesus loves us. He loves us, even when we are at our worst, so why should the church be any different?
Abiding Love Community Church is just that—a church trying to help the community. We don’t label ourselves with a denomination, which is why we are non-denominational. We preach the Bible in truth through love. We realize that no gavel belongs in our hands because only God sits that high. However, we believe that through delivery of the true word of God, the Holy Spirit will lead and prick the hearts of each one of us. ALCC loves to give back to the community and be an example of Jesus Christ to the community.
What services do you offer?
Morning Worship – Every Sunday at 11AM
Evening Revival Services – Every Sunday at 6PM
Children’s Church – Every Sunday after praise and worship
Wednesday Night B.L.A.S.T. – Every Wednesday at 6:30PM in the fellowship hall (for all ages)
What is the attire?
ALCC believes in the “come as you are” method. We have everything from jeans to suits, so come dressed modestly in what you feel is appropriate.
What is your praise and worship like?
ALCC believes the praise and worship sets the tone for the service. We engage in live music that promotes you to reflect on the goodness of God. We don’t believe in time limits or “schedules”, but rather we allow the Holy Spirit to have His way.
What is the contact information?
Abiding Love Community Church, Inc.
Physical Address:
1370 N. McDonough Road
Griffin, GA 30223
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1896
Hampton, GA 30228
Office Email:
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